Can you repair these faults in a plasma cutting machine?

Plasma cutting machineDuring the working process, various problems may occur. Here, we have organized five major fault causes of the plasma cutting machine for reference.

Fault OnePhenomenon description: After turning on the "power switch" of the plasma cutting machine, the power indicator light does not light up.

Cause analysis and solutions:

1. "Power indicator light" is broken: replace the indicator light.

2. 2A fuse is broken: replace the fuse.

3. No input three-phase 380V voltage: check if there is a problem with the power supply.

4. Input power is missing a phase: usemultimeterto check the three-phase power.

5. Power switch is broken: just replace the switch.

6. Control board or main unit is broken: repair.



Fault TwoPhenomenon description: After connecting the input power, the plasma cutting machine's fan does not turn, but the power indicator light is on.

Cause analysis and solutions:

1. Input three-phase power is missing a phase: use a multimeter to check.Three-phase power

2. Fan blades are jammed by foreign objects: just remove the foreign objects.

3. Fan power plug is loose: just plug it back in.

4. Fan lead is broken: repair.

5. Fan is damaged: repair or replace.


Fault ThreePhenomenon description: After connecting the input power, the power indicator light is on, the fan is normal, but no airflow comes out after pressing the "test gas" switch.Cause analysis and solutions:

1. No input compressed air: check the gas source and supply pipeline.

2、Air filter pressure reducing valvemalfunctions,pressure gaugeindicates 0, and the "insufficient pressure" indicator light is on: adjust the pressure of the pressure reducing valve or replace the pressure reducing valve.

3. "Test gas" switch is broken: replace the switch.

4. The solenoid valve inside the main unit is broken: repair or replace.Solenoid valveis broken: repair or replace.

5. Air supply pipeline leaks or is broken: repair.


Fault FourPhenomenon description: After turning on the "test gas" switch on the main panel,the airflow comes out, but when pressing the cutting torch switch, the machine has no response.1. Plasma cutting torch switch is broken or the connection wire is broken: repair or replace.Cause analysis and solutions:

2. The "cutting" switch on the plasma cutting machine panel is broken: repair or replace.

3. The control board of the cutting machine main unit is broken: repair or replace.

4. The cutting machine is in protection mode due to temperature or other reasons: wait for the temperature to return to normal.

5. Water circuit is not functioning properly, causing low water pressure protection: check the water circuit and water pressure valve.

6. Main unit control circuit or related lines and components are damaged: repair.

Fault Five


Phenomenon description: Contact cutting can be done, but non-contact cutting cannot be done, and testing the non-transfer arc shows no sparks coming out of the nozzle.1. 15ACause analysis and solutions:

fuseis blown: just replace it.2. Pressure on the pressure reducing valve is too high: adjust the pressure.

3. There are damaged parts in the cutting torch: check and replace.

4. The cutting torch is damp, and the moisture in the compressed air is too high: dry it and add a water filter device.

5. Arc starting wire is broken: just replace it.

6. Cutting torch is damaged: just replace it.

7.Torch damage: just replace it.